Moving beyond IT, Business Technology is an area where results are measured in only one way: how they deliver business outcomes.
By integrally optimising the technology environments of enterprises with business outcomes, HP says that it is empowering CIOs with the tools they need to be tied closer to CEOs in strategic business planning.
The age of IT as we know it is over. The new reality is that technology does not just support the business technology powers the business and helps to drive growth, says Ann Livermore, executive vice-president, Technology Solutions Group, HP. The shift to business technology enables CIOs to weigh and measure their investments in terms of business outcomes whether it is managing risk, accelerating growth or lowering costs.
Research conducted by HP shows an increasing alignment between business and technology decision-makers. According to the study, an overwhelming majority of both CEOs and CIOs believes that technology is integral to the success of their companies. Additionally, 88% of CEOs and 90% of CIOs say they share similar visions for how technology can deliver business outcomes at their companies.
But while 99% of CEOs agree that technology is integral to the success of their businesses, only 32% of them involve their CIOs at the inception of strategic planning. Moving forward, more CIOs will sit at their companies boardroom tables during strategic business planning, says Livermore.