Since completing the acquisition of Stellent in December last year, Oracle has integrated Stellents technology, and is now ready to deliver a new generation of advanced content management products that are integrated components of the Oracle Fusion Middleware product family.
Oracle is expected to deliver new releases for all of its content management products within the next 12 months, and also plans to offer an integrated suite that includes three of its most important content management solutions. The integrated suite, Enterprise Content Management Suite is expected to include Oracle Universal Content Management, Oracle Universal Records Management, and Oracle Imaging and Process Management.
Oracles content management portfolio is expected to address all aspects of ECM from archiving and imaging, to Web content and document management, to records and retention management in a highly integrated suite of products. Oracles content management architecture is hot-pluggable, providing simultaneous, out-of-the-box support for Oracle and third-party repositories, identity management systems and enterprise applications.
At the same time, Oracles content management solutions are expected to leverage the scalability, security and reliability built into the Oracle technology stack. Oracle content management product portfolio is expected to include Oracle Universal Content Management, Oracle Universal Records Management, Oracle Information Rights Management, Oracle Imaging and Process Management and Oracle Content Database.
We are excited that we were able to quickly integrate the content management solutions we acquired last year with Oracles technology stack to create products that have scalability and security along with broad support of third party systems, says Thomas Kurian, Oracle senior vice-president, server technologies.