* 122 commercial WCDMA networks in 55 countries and over 70m subscriptions, which confirm WCDMA as the leading 3G standard, by a huge margin;
* 119 operators are deploying HSDPA (the first evolution of WCDMA) in 55 countries, of which 57 HSDPA networks - an increase of 72% in three months, have entered commercial service in 36 countries;
* 407 WCDMA models of user devices launched in the market, including 51 supporting HSDPA. 221 WCDMA devices were launched in the year to August 2006.The GSA survey found that 18 devices also support WCDMA in the 850MHz band;
* 70 WCDMA operators, i.e. the majority, are also deploying Edge for service continuity and the best user experience outside WCDMA coverage areas. The latest GSA survey confirms that 45 combined WCDMA-Edge networks have launched commercial services;
* 213 GSM/Edge network deployments in 118 countries, of which 156 networks are delivering commercial service in 92 countries. This compares to 139 commercial networks in 78 countries, six months previously. Europe has the highest number of countries with Edge in service today (67), followed by the Americas (47), APAC (21) and the Middle East/Africa (21);
* 307 Edge models of user devices launched in the market, with at least 77 also supporting WCDMA. Edge is standard in most new data-capable GSM phones;
* 28 CDMA operators migrating to GSM either as an overlay or as its replacement.