WebMarshal 2006 available through Workgroup

Date: 13 September 2006
(ICT World)
Aiming to help to counter the influx of spyware that is increasingly being delivered to corporate networks via the Web, Workgroup has announced the availability of Marshal's Internet management solution, WebMarshal 2006, which is designed to stop spyware at the gateway.

The software is designed to promote responsible Internet use while providing protection for viruses, confidentiality breaches and downloading of inappropriate material.

So says Dean Healy, Marshal brand manager at Workgroup, who adds that WebMarshal 2006 also combines URL filtering, content analysis, anti-spyware and anti-virus technologies into a single solution.

Functionality within WebMarshal 2006 provides blacklists of known URLs that are associated with spammers or fraudulent phishing scams, he adds. This means that users who accidentally or intentionally attempt to access these sites will be protected from doing so, he claims. WebMarshal also aims to provide updated anti-virus features in line with its sister e-mail security product, MailMarshal.

"The threat of spyware infiltrating corporate networks via the Internet has never been greater," says Healy. "Criminals are becoming highly adept at integrating spyware and other forms of threats into e-mail with URLs. Phishing is a good example of the damage that can be caused by clicking through to an unknown Web site."

Healy says that in addition to the URLCensor integration feature, WebMarshal 2006 will also provide enterprises with all the latest rules and policies from the Marshal Threat team who monitor the latest Internet security issues, and provide updates to Marshal customers to secure them against these threats.

WebMarshal is said to be suitable for integration with Microsoft ISA Server and Microsoft Proxy Server or can act as a standalone proxy if required. Capable of scaling to tens of thousands of users the software offers a total Internet security solution for Web browsing, Healy concludes.