The seminar is being held in response to surging interest in BPM, driven by a growing awareness that this relatively new discipline confers significant competitive advantage.
"Breakaway BPM organisations have realised great results from BPM and have embraced it as a way of doing business that is no longer optional," says Trevor van Rensburg, products director at DVT Gauteng. "It has now become one of the top priorities in their organisations. Breakaway BPM organisations are gaining market recognition for their innovation and leadership.
"Progressive executives are looking for practical advice on how to transform their business with technology," adds Van Rensburg. "They are aggressive about learning which solutions can help them reach their business goals. These executives will benefit most from this seminar."
Subjects to be covered during the seminar will include:
* Breakaway BPM: An opportunity to differentiate and gain market share;
* Enhancing the user experience with Microsoft SharePoint;
* Metastorm BPM and Microsoft SharePoint integration demonstration.
"Whether you have a head start on a business process management (BPM) project or you are just learning what BPM is - your ability to take advantage of this new way of thinking about business processes are the same," adds Van Rensburg. "Your current state determines whether you should extend what you have today or skip the basics and leap forward to the latest innovations available to you. Either way, this seminar will equip you with all the information you need to make a correct BPM decision."