It is estimated that it can cost both buyer and sellers thousands of Rands to get a detailed list of their solutions functional capabilities by current means, with no guarantee of an ROI.
In response, EOH Technology Consulting, a certified professional services provider of Technology Evaluation Centres (TEC) has announced the local availability of an industry-standard RFP set for specific software vendors' solutions.
Launched as a means to speed the process by which buyers review and decide on enterprise software solutions, TECs Certified RFI Express Service aims to provide an opportunity for software vendors to offer prospective buyers a detailed list of their solutions' functional capabilities. These are certified by a TEC analyst, and are delivered in an industry standard, RFI format.
Keith Fairhurst, director, EOH Technology Consulting, says that this service will significantly reduce the time, costs, and risks while providing certified detailed information to the prospective buyer organisation.
Software providers are better able to manage the amount of information available to prospective buyers and can provide additional documents to configure an RFI based on specific high-end buyer responses to survey questions. The advantage to end-user decision-makers is that they receive more information, immediately, explains Fairhurst.