ICT World & Computing SA proofing sponsored by Lexmark.
CIDB selects SMS carrier for RoP system
Date: 11 April 2006 Issue: One Hundred and Eighty One (10/04-13/04)
(ICT World)
Category: Local News
The SA governments Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) has selected Clickatell to supply SMS messages for its i-Tender/ Register of Projects (RoP) system. Communication with more than 10 000 registered contractors on the CIDB database needs to be quick and inexpensive.

The CIDB has developed a Web application which is designed to allow for the automatic generation of SMS messages, to get appropriate information to stakeholders on time.
The i-Tender/RoP online hub was set up in 2005 as a value-add to clients to facilitate the governments construction tendering process. It provides for the two-stage registration of construction projects namely, advertising tenders and awarding contracts as well facilitating the most efficient matching of projects with qualified contractors.
For many contractors their cell phone is their main communication device especially when on site. The SMS system is intended to ensure that registered contractors are proactively informed of new tenders when they are advertised, subsequent to being matched against the Register of Contractors.
Clickatell was able to provide the CIDB with a single point of seamless integration through its SMS gateway. Rather than manage connections to the networks of each local mobile operator, the CIDB says that it can now concentrate on developing and extending the i-Tender/RoP hub and delivering the benefits to clients and contractors as rapidly as possible.

Cost savings will also be leveraged through Clickatells bulk buying of data traffic across all networks.
Anton Lan, Head of SA/Africa at Clickatell, adds that while SMS is being used successfully as a low-cost, instant and pervasive communications tool in the private sector, its value cannot be overlooked in facilitating effective e-government in SA. "With Clickatells SMS gateway we are able to provide the CIDB with turnkey mobile communication services that require minimal investment and show immediate benefits, he says.

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