ICT World & Computing SA proofing sponsored by Lexmark.
Sam's Soapbox: Extensions are the way forward...
Date: 10 November 2004 Issue: One Hundred and fourteen (08/11/04 - 13/11/04)
(ICT World)
Category: Opinions
So, after Mondays Soapbox, some of the kind folk on the SAOpen mailing list pointed out that Gmail does work on Firefox, and that a number of extensions are available which help to sort out hassles like the one which prevented my viewing that local news service Web site correctly.

And - quite right they are too - so apologies to Gmail and Firefox, the problem I had must have been a glitch in the matrix or something, it is working fabulously now.

Thanks to all the extensions that I have downloaded I can also see said news site, control my Windows Media Player via my browser window, and do all sorts of note-taking and bookmarking stuff that I have not fully explored as yet.

You gotta love Open Source... *grin*

Minus ten to Vodacom, which, after making a big fuss about announcing the 3G launch date at the Vodacom Mobile Connect First Tuesday event, held on Tuesday night, actually told us nothing more enlightening than the fact that 3G will be available in mid-December, which we already knew.

Thanks guys - I could have actually had a night off if I had known you were not going to say anything specific!

As for saying nothing specific - anyone who missed Alec Hoggs interview with Andile Ngcaba over the Telkom stake sale should really read the transcript available on the Moneyweb site.

It makes for very good reading... *further grins*

And now - work calls. Have a good one!

Samantha Perry

Computing SA

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