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Fujitsu Siemens reports first-time revenue growth
Date: 07 October 2004 Issue: One Hundred and Nine (04/10 - 10/10)
(ICT World)
Category: Global News Theo Boshoff reporting from Augsburg, Germany
Fujitsu Siemens announced its half-year results for 2004 on Monday at its VisIT 2004 European IT Forum, and reported double-digit growth in revenue and profit before tax.

President and CEO of Fujitsu Siemens, Bernd Bischoff, says this is the first time that the company delivered revenue growth in the first half of a financial year, with a revenue of $2,56bn, based on preliminary estimates or a growth year-on-year of 15%, against the figure for the previous year of $2,232bn.

The major areas responsible for the growth in revenue, says Bischoff, were in the mobile space - with the business area contributing 55% and the consumer space 29%. The company also announced a growth in profit of 60% year-on-year to $18m.

The company furthermore reported a 32% growth in unit volume for the first half of 2004 against the same period last year, which only showed growth of 10%.

The company says that, based on IDC 1Q and 2Q 2004 figures - which were based on the calendar year - it outgrew the market in EMEA by 8% and exceeded its goals.

"We have shown healthy revenue and profit growth, and our company continues to outperform the market. We are nevertheless aware that competition remains very tough, and that we always need to go the extra mile for our customers," Bischoff says.

He notes that the company has learnt over the past five years that customer requirements dictate successful innovation.

"The market remains highly competitive, however, we continue to bring products and solutions to market that are well accepted, because they are designed to meet the needs of our customers."

The outlook of the company is towards continued performance ahead of the market.

The targets it is aiming for, for the second half of the year, include obtaining another 5% revenue growth - at the current exchange rate - and to further outgrow the market by at least 5%.

The company sees the areas of mobile solutions, servers and support services as its primary growth areas.

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