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Crime alert made easier with eBlockwatch
Date: 09 September 2002 Issue: Fourteen (09/09/02 - 15/09/02)
(ICT World)
Category: Local News Sipho Memela
Image how cool it would be to get an SMS from the police every morning informing you of locations in your neighbourhood of which you should be wary.
eBlockwatch is a Web site where people can post messages about crime in their areas and inform others about where they are most likely to be hijacked or robbed.

Although the service has been put on hold until the go-ahead has been given by South African Police Commissioner for the site go national, the founder of the site, André Snyman, says that people should still view the site to find out how eBlockwatch can help them to avoid crime-ridden areas.

"We get anywhere up to 20 000 hits a day and it has helped to keep people aware of what is happening in their neighbourhoods and has also increased co-operation between the police and the public," he says.

This 18-month-old site boasts 9 000 members so far and is set to grow substantially once it goes national.

"I would also like petrol stations and toll-gates to be part of our network of crime-fighters, because many cars that have been hijacked arrive at these venues shortly after being stolen. If we could alert these places within minutes of the hijacking taking place, chances are that someone will spot the car and call the police," he adds.

Dimension Data is sponsoring the Web site and it has a toll-free number which people can use to report any faults with the site. The site is hosted by Internet Solutions, its address is www.eblockwatch.co.za


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