Motorola to provide infrastructure for Norwegian network

Date: 10 January 2007
(ICT World)
Motorola and Siemens have announced that they will supply core network infrastructure, software, implementation services and maintenance to deliver a TETRA radio communications network for the Norwegian national public safety network, Nodnett.

This multi-agency digital radio communication system is owned by a separate administration body, under the Ministry of Justice and the Police.

The network will be based on Motorolas TETRA Over IP switch solution and Motorola Dimetra IP, which aims to offer a reliable network for seamless communication. Motorola says that its technology and services also support the future development of the nationwide system, including the provision of higher data speeds to support the deployment of advanced mobile data solutions.

The tender is technology neutral. The Siemens-led team, which includes Motorola, provided the most compelling national public safety network. It scored highly in evaluation from a technical and cost perspective, and met the requirements we set out in the brief, says Tor Helge Lyngstol, director and GM of Nodnett.

The total implementation of Nodnett, a NOK 3,6bn(¬450m) investment that includes a shared digital radio communication network for Norways public safety organisations, will begin in 2007 and be available nationwide by the end of 2011.

The initial implementation phase covers the southern, most populated, part of Norway and is due for completion by the end of 2008.

The network aims to provide the Norwegian public safety services with secure cross-functional and cross-border voice communication, talk groups, direct mode access and data transmission.

According to Motorola, Dimetra IP is an enhanced IP-based TETRA solution that is highly flexible and scalable to integrate voice, messaging and mobile applications (such as remote access to information databases and image transmission) on a single network.

Serving a population of 4,6m dispersed over a complex topography of 324 000 square kilometres, this is a significant TETRA network, says Manuel Torres, vice-president, Motorola Networks & Enterprise.