Coin Security uses SAP Business One

Date: 19 September 2006
(ICT World)
Coin Security - a subsidiary of the black-controlled, owned and managed diversified services group, Mvelaphanda (MVG), and a provider of corporate, community and residential security services - went live on SAP Business One recently as part of its growth strategy.

It says that it will use the solutions integration capabilities to manage increasing data volumes with vastly improved processing performance. Intending to customise the solution to facilitate new strategies in future, Coin Security has initially implemented a 'vanilla' version of SAP Business One.
Coin Security director, Erwin Lehmann, says that the companys continuing growth had put its legacy system under pressure. Quite apart from the fact that an unreliable system would have put the lives and assets of our clients in jeopardy, the security sector is heavily regulated and real-time availability of accurate, relevant data is vital to our governance processes.
In addition, we work with a range of different business partners and suppliers and we need to track and manage those relationships very closely. SAP Business One allows us to address all those considerations immediately while giving us the scope to grow the business in any direction we choose.
SAP Africas Business One sales manager, Paul Vermaak, says that SAP Business Ones comprehensive functionality coupled to its easy-to-use system development kit (SDK) makes it an enormously flexible tool for growing businesses. Because you can start with the basics and then add more sophisticated functionality - either from within the solution or by adding on specialist, industry-specific third party applications - as you need it, SAP Business One is a very affordable entry point to full-scale enterprise resource planning (ERP).
The SDK, for instance, already contains interfaces along with sample code and documentation, making the process of customisation much quicker and easier and therefore much more cost-effective. It also uses business objects instead of requiring changes to the underlying database. So, with minimum effort and very little additional coding, you get a seamless flow of information between your front and back office.
In Coin Securitys case, for instance, where a third party application is used to manage guard rosters and bookings, the SDK enables that information to be fully integrated back into SAP Business One for billing, planning and operational activities.
And, because all SAP Business One upgrades are backwards compatible, changes and interfaces created now will be automatically carried forward with each upgrade.