Going biometric for enhanced access control

Date: 15 September 2006
(ICT World)
Teryl Schroenn, MD at Accsys
For businesses the issue of who has access to the company, its wares and data, when and why, has reached new levels of importance. The need for security is such that more employers have begun to invest in biometric technology to improve access control and security measures.

Increased local development and higher levels of adoption have lowered costs, and raised the profile and popularity of this technology. 
Biometric devices are generally considered non-intrusive technologies that are designed to work effectively under variable and demanding conditions. They do not leave marks, do not take physical samples, and require minimal contact by the user.
Among the features measured are face, fingerprints, hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retinal, vein, and voice.
One of the main benefits of having a biometric system for access control is the fact that it offers fraud-proof control. Fingerprint scanning eliminates buddy-clocking and other activities that can cost employers considerable amounts each month.
This effective way of managing staff means no more extended lunch breaks, unauthorised overtime or unexplained absenteeism. By eliminating time theft, clerical payroll errors and delays, an employers salaries and wages bill is significantly reduced.
Biometric technology is not cumbersome or difficult to integrate and manage. This appeals to the market and makes it an attractive proposition for operations of any size it can add value to any organisation and within any industry.
SA has the technology, expertise and resources to make a significant difference in this space. This is one of the main messages around the impact of biometric technology that Accsys continues to communicate to its market, and one that the company emphasised with the launch of its biometric access control solution.