Metrofile to demonstrate e-Records management at Futurex Cape

Date: 05 September 2006
(ICT World)
Chief among Metrofile's demonstration at Futurex & Equip Cape will be its Metrofiler e-Records. While Metrofiler looks after physical records management needs, Metrofiler e-Records is designed to do the same for electronic records. Futurex & Equip Cape Town will be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from September 27 - 29.

"We launched the system in June this year; it is based on our tried and tested Metrofiler product for paper records," says Brett Harris, sales manager at Metrofile in the Western Cape. "It stores converted or scanned images, PDF documents and records that originate in Microsoft Office with appropriate security."

Practical by design, the system is simple to implement and maintain, he adds. It operates in a Microsoft Windows environment, is scalable, and the software can reside and function on anything from a single PC up to the corporate network, the intranet or across the Internet, he continues.

Metrofile says that it will demonstrate its entire gamut of products and services, and will showcase Metrofiler e-Records on a PC, screen and projector at its stand.

"This is the first time that we will exhibit at Futurex," says Harris. "We are looking for the exposure to the SME market that the show reaches with the opportunity to show potential customers the features and benefits of our products and services.

Visitors can view Metrofiler e-Records at Stand A19 in Hall 1.