Sam's Soapbox: Public service announcement

Date:�02 December 2004
(ICT World)
We regret to inform you that service on this particular comment page has been interrupted indefinitely.

Sam has fallen off her Soapbox, Sean has gone searching for some Shenanigans, Nic has gone Nuts in Madrid, Theo is not having any Thoughts, and Mike has reverted to muttering ominously, as opposed to his usual Murmuring. Nanos column is still nameless, and she was last seen headed for a mine in Midrand (dont ask, please).

Actually, it is just the deadline day of the second last print issue of Computing SA for 2004. Yay! It is also Johnnics annual festive season bash, so most of the gang are sloping off to head office early, to schmooze with the rest of the company. Nic is indeed in Madrid, but we will only find out tomorrow if he went nuts, or actually managed to behave himself... ;-)

Naturally I am stuck here actually doing some work (if anyone says ÃÆ¢�Ãâ�¹Ã…â�œfor once they will be shot ;-)).

While I am quite sure that some really interesting stuff happened in the ICT industry today, beyond what has gone onto our news pages, I have not noticed anything, and thus have been forced to resort to this waffle - all 200 words (and counting) of it. *grin*

It is always nice when everybody finally realises that holidays are a hairs breadth away, all those cranky and grouchy feelings, resulting from having worked too hard for too long, mysteriously vanish, and everyone cheers up and starts perpetrating pranks (in my news room anyway).

And now - I have one or two more tweaks to make on the Year in Review issue, so best I go. Happy days...

Samantha Perry

Computing SA